Random Memes – 6/21

Since there have been so many senseless shootings lately, I find myself glad that I’m a homebody who has no need to go out to different places. Lately, I’m suddenly more acutely aware that there could be a gunman in my midst than a person who is positive with COVID. Wearing a mask isn’t going to help when bullets are involved.

So, I decided to look through my gathering of memes and try to find some that resonated positiveness and/or spoke personally to me about where I am in my current psyche.

Here are some I want to share:

I’m 100% guilty of not wanting to expose others to me when I’m struggling.

Another way I need to keep reminding myself that struggling is okay.
My struggle? I can’t forgive myself until I’ve forgiven every other person first.
As I get better at saying “no”, I feel happier even if I make others unhappy.

This is such strong truth that I want it poster-sized on every wall to remind me!
Obviously, I’ve “lived with”, or at least through, all of the choices I’ve made. Now I’m learning how to make choices based on my OWN needs and wants.
I have to learn to accept that at times I need space to pull myself together and give that gift to myself. I’m making progress!

5 thoughts on “Random Memes – 6/21

  1. You and I have a lot of similarities, it seems. I also tend to revert inward when I’m struggling. I feel like I don’t want to burden others or worry them. I have to remind myself that my arms are always open for those I care about, and likewise, I need to allow them to be there in my times of need. Easier said than done, I know.

    It is perfectly okay to not be okay! I have learned this lesson the hard way, but I have found keeping up an “I’m okay” attitude when I’m not okay is more exhausting than admitting it.

    My mantra has become “I am chasing progress, not perfection.” As a perfectionist, this is important, because perfection is impossible to achieve, but if we can improve ourselves, our craft, and anything else, that’s all that really matters.

    I, too, struggle with the news in our world. Thank you for posting these positive and uplifting memes. I’m sure they will resonate with most of your readers. They certainly did with me!

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  2. Dear fellow perfectionist, I love your mantra! I also appreciate your validation of the habit of drawing inward when struggling for fear of worrying or burdening others. Perhaps well fell from different trees but in the same orchard?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This all sounds reasonable and logical to me, but as Kristian said, it easier said than done. I am still working on this in my own life, but I am settling for progress over perfection. And please be from different trees because I do not think I can take another sibling popping up out of nowhere again! Love you both!

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